Saturday, January 17, 2015

Isaiah for Mormons Authorship

This is a little different than usual. This time I decided to explain some issues relating to authorship. As with everything else in this series, it combines the insights of the Book of Mormon with current Isaiah scholarship, but this time I decided to tackle issues relating to who actually wrote (and edited) the text. Many scholars say that Isaiah wrote chapters 1-39, another author wrote 40-55 and a third author wrote 56-66, but I think the Book of Mormon paints a slightly different picture for us, which I will explain in this episode.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Isaiah for Mormons Chapter 14

Isaiah for Mormons Chapter 14. All text and maps comes from

I am afraid I have not been able to figure out how to get the thing to work as well as I would like, so I will just continue with Podomatic.